Gray Squirrel Removal in Linden, NJ

Gray Squirrel Removal Linden, NJ

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Are you looking for Gray Squirrel Removal in Linden, NJ? ALCO Wildlife Removal is the Gray Squirrel removal company in Linden, NJ for many satisfied clients. Since 1995 ALCO Wildlife Removal has been providing Gray Squirrel Removal in Linden, NJ for many satisfied clients. Whether it is residential or commercial Gray Squirrel Removal , ALCO Wildlife Removal will solve your Gray Squirrel Removal problem like we did for many happy customers.
Using environmentally friendly products and humane methods for the process of Gray Squirrel Removal , ALCO Wildlife Removal will remove your unwanted Gray Squirrel problem promptly.

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We are committed to customer satisfaction. When our professionals come to assess your home for infestation, we not only remove the pests from your home or office, but we also provide protection from future infestations. Our trusted pest control company in NJ understands how difficult it can be to live comfortably when you know you and your loved ones aren't the only ones in the house. At night, sleeping can become difficult or near impossible when you hear scurrying, scratching, or other noises from pests roaming around your home. We work without delay to remove animals and pests, restoring peace-of-mind within your home.

All About Gray Squirrels & Removal in NJ

In New Jersey they usually cause problems for people during spring and winter times. From fall through winter (September through February) are the times when "denning" activities take place. Denning is when squirrels make attics their homes and it's usually eight to ten squirrels.In the spring time (March through May) breeding takes place to raise their young. During this time typically it's when you find a female and her offspring in the attic or in the wall. They can have one litter per year, usually in the early fall.


Its fur is predominantly gray with a touch of red sometimes and the belly is white. They have a large bushy tail. In urban area of eastern area of New Jersey albino and melanistic (darker squirrels) are found.

Their behavior:

This animal is the type that picks up all the left food where ever they find it and stores it in small caches to recover later. This is done to just have dibs on it and later on they return to restore their food in a more secure area. They build their nests in the forks of trees. These consist mainly of dry leaves and twigs. There are times when they will attempt to build a nest in the attic or exterior walls of houses to have more shelter usually for their young. They have also been known to dig up bulbs from gardens. Their reputation for these habits has led some to call them "tree rats" or "rats with fuzzy tails". Predators include hawks, skunks, raccoons, snakes and owls. On occasion, this squirrel may lose part of its tail while escaping a predator.

Why Are They Damaging My Property?

They den in attics, walls, sheds, barns, and chimneys, annoying people with their noise and odors. Squirrels usually gain access via overhanging branches, power lines, or by climbing up the siding. They may fall into chimney and furnace flues, thus gaining entrance to the basement or interior of the house.
Their nest materials might block a vent, making it a fire hazard.
They chew and scratch wires (another fire hazard) and also damage attic vents, eaves, screens, bird feeders, siding, insulation, household goods, and the tubing used for maple syrup production.
They run along power lines and sometimes short out transformers.
Squirrels also eat garden, field, and orchard crops; bird seed; and newly planted vegetable seeds.
They'll strip the bark from trees, especially fruit trees and cedar.
Alco Animal & Pest Control provides full removal and control services in NJ. We are more than happy to inform New Jersey and out of state visitors on these and other species that (might) cause dangers to their health. We offer great advice and solutions because we are well certified and informed when it comes to animal control and the safety of animals in New Jersey, that is our main priority.

We Do Not Remove: Ground hogs, Skunks, Dogs, Cats, Foxes, Snakes, Bears, Injured or Orphaned Baby Animals

Why Choose Us

Humane Pest Control

We use humane treatments when removing small animals and rodents from your home or office in NJ. Our humane pest control company in NJ knows that when small animals enter your home, they tend to act out of defense or fear. While this can present dangerous situations, we believe that these animals should be removed without injury to you or them. When we capture a small animal, or animals, from your home, we release them back into the wild - far from your home. Our pest control company in NJ has years of dedicated service to residents and commercial property owners, and we live up to our high standards by performing our pest removal services with integrity and timeliness. Our animal removal experts will stop the animals from causing any excess damage to your property. In dangerous situations, our emergency pest control company in NJ is available for same-day pest or animal removal. You can trust ALCO to provide pest control without delay, when you need us.

We Do More!!!

Additionally, at ALCO Animal & Pest Control, our pest control experts also remove bees, birds and wildlife from your home or office location.

ALCO Animal and Pest Control has been providing professional pest control services for homes and businesses in New Jersey for many years. Our expert pest control service staff uses safe, humane and environmentally friendly pest extermination products that will not harm animals, your family and the environment. We utilize our vast pest control knowledge to provide you with the right pest solution for any insect or pest problem your home has encountered.

ALCO Animal & Pest Control will humanely remove animals such as raccoons, possums, squirrels and other pests that may be a problem. We offer same day animal control and pest control services in New Jersey.

Our trained pest extermination experts are ready to remove and control any pest problem you may have.

We offer a free pest control inspection and free estimates. We provide pest control and animal removal services for New Jersey.

All of our pest control and animal removal services are fully guaranteed.

For more information about our Gray Squirrel Removal in Linden, NJ, call ALCO Animal & Pest Control at (862) 220-5297.

ALCO Animal & Pest Control - Your Trusted Provider for Gray Squirrel Removal in Linden, NJ.

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Gray Squirrel Removal in Linden, NJ